Monday, April 21, 2014

Seating Surprise

I was at an under age dance club with all my friends. I had a new short short mini skirt with a belly shirt and i thought i looked so hot in it, my crush asked me to dance, i thought i was sooooo cool.

After the dance i was walked over to my friends where they were at the bar drinking sodas. I walked over towards my friends thinking i was soo cool because i just got back from dancing with the cutest guy in there. i turned around to look at him and saw him and his friends were all watchnig me i thought to myself i must look so hot tonight. i was wearing a really short skirt so when i approched to my friends i carefully went to a stool to sit at the bar. but instead of sitting in a stool i sat in a great big trashcan. my butt fell in the trash and only my arms and legs were out of the trash can.  

Monday, April 7, 2014

Does Using More than One Dildo Constitute Unfaithfulness?

I don't know if there's much information available of this type, but what percentage of single women supplement their sex lives by using dildos or vibrators?  It's easy to comprehend how we can become accustomed, if not fond, of these implements through use.

However, they come in different  sizes, shapes, colours, and textures.  There's the desire to have new experiences, to go where you never went before.  For example, what would a 8 inch dildo feel like?  Would it be to large and painful, or would it ramp up to a new level of pleasure?

Let's say I have been accustomed to using Heathcliff, my original dildo or vibrator.  Suppose I were to acquire Hector.  Would I experience feelings of guilt in being unfaithful to my beloved Heathcliff?  If he was sensate, would he understand?  I must confess a wish to use both simultaneously; but if that too kinky?

Does anyone out there also have these reservations, or am I being overly prudent?

Can Christians use sex toys?